Curious about Wim Hof’s ice bath techniques and how his cold therapy method works? You’re in the right place! As a student of Wim Hof for 4 years, I’ve created this guide with everything you need to know about the Wim Hof Method, including his unique breathing techniques and the cold immersion approach that’s made him famous as the “Iceman.”
With numerous world records and a commitment to scientific research, Wim has shown that cold exposure can help boost mental focus, physical resilience, and even immunity. Ready to explore the benefits and learn how to take an ice bath the Wim Hof way? Let’s get started!
At a glance: Quick guide to Wim Hof ice bath tips
Don’t have time to read the full guide? Jump to the relevant section below:
- Who is Wim Hof?
Learn about the man behind the method and his record-breaking feats in icy environments. - What is an Ice Bath?
Discover the health benefits and the science behind cold immersion. - How Wim Hof Ice Baths Have Changed My Life
Personal journey of recovery and resilience through the Wim Hof Method. - Wim Hof Ice Bath Technique
Step-by-step guide on how to take an ice bath using Wim’s method. - Beginner Tips for Safe Ice Baths
Start with cold showers, set intentions, and work up to longer sessions. - Other Tips for Doing a Wim Hof Ice Bath
Practical tips like using dedicated cold tubs, managing cold hands, and ideal breathing techniques. - Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers on safe temperatures, breathing, shivering, and more. - Last Thoughts on Ice Bath Wim Hof
Final reflections on cold immersion and the transformative power of the Wim Hof Method.
Now without further ado, let’s dive deeper into this ultimate guide to ice baths the Wim Hof way.

Who is Wim Hof?
Known as the Iceman, Wim Hof is a Dutch extreme athlete and cold immersion expert known for his extraordinary feats in icy environments. He has over two dozen Guinness World Records pertaining to the cold, including the following:
- Running a barefoot half marathon in the Arctic Circle
- Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in just shorts & shoes
- Taking the world’s longest ice bath (1 hour, 53 mins)
Beyond his physical accomplishments, Wim Hof has developed a method that combines breathwork, cold immersion, and a focus on mindset to help others tap into the benefits of cold exposure. Using the cold as his teacher, Wim has shown the world that you can control your breath, heart-rate, and blood circulation. This, he claims, can make you stronger, happier, and healthier.
His method has been shown to increase mental resilience, boost immunity, and improve circulation. Today, the Wim Hof Method is practiced worldwide, helping people push past their comfort zones, overcome stress, and enhance their well-being through ice baths and other cold immersion techniques.
Ready to join the thousands of other people from around the world who practice the Wim Hof Method? Here’s everything you need to know about Wim Hof ice baths, breathwork techniques, and more.

What is an ice bath?
Before jumping into how to take a Wim Hof ice bath, let’s first briefly cover ice baths and their health benefits.
In the world of sports, ice baths are a recovery technique after exercising. From high school athletes all the way up to Olympians, ice baths are a common practice used after high-intensity workouts. The idea is to plunge your whole body (or parts of your body) in a tub of ice-cold water. This helps to reduce inflammation and boost muscle recovery.
In addition to sports (and physical therapy), ice baths have become a tool for achieving health and wellness. Here are some scientific benefits of taking regular ice baths:
- Increases energy
- Lessens stress and tension
- Strengthens the immune system
- Counteracts mental disorders like anxiety & depression
- Increases focus & concentration
- Leads to weight loss
- Enhances blood circulation
For more benefits of cold immersion (including scientific studies), check out my other article: 20 top benefits of cold water therapy.

How Wim Hof ice baths have changed my life
In my own personal life, I have seen tremendous results with the Wim Hof method of cold exposure and breathwork.
Back in 2021, I had lingering symptoms of COVID that didn’t go away after 6+ months. It was once I started doing cold immersion that my mind and body began to heal.
Fast forward a year, and I was in Iceland doing a Wim Hof retreat…hiking mountains in shorts, jumping 10 meters into Europe’s coldest lake, and swimming in ice cold rivers. Since then, I’ve been able to improve my health and physical fitness to unprecedented levels.

At age 29, I am much stronger and healthier than I was in college as a DII track athlete. An ice bath a day not only keeps the doctor away, it sharpens your mental faculties and primes your body in ways that you can’t explain.
I started out doing cold showers and ice baths in my bathtub, but I’ve since learned that having a dedicated cold plunge is one of the best investments in your health.
Here are my favorite at-home ice baths:
Cheap: $ | G Ganen Foldable Ice Bath |
Mid: $$ | The Edge Tub |
Luxury: $$$ | Renu Therapy Cold Plunge |

Now, here’s how to take an ice bath using the Wim Hof method.
Wim Hof Ice Bath – The Technique
The Wim Hof method of breathing and cold exposure is very powerful, yet simple. While you can do one without the other, they definitely go hand in hand. The first thing that happens when you submerge yourself in ice cold water is that your breathing changes. For most people, their breath becomes shallow, heart rate increases, muscles contract, and some even let out a loud shriek. This is all totally normal, especially for first time ice bathers.
Here’s my step-by-step guide to conquering the cold during a Wim Hof ice bath.

Step 1: Practice conscious breathing to clear your mind
Knowing that cold immersion can be quite a shock to the body, it’s good to take deep, slow breaths to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. Taking control of your breath is ultimately what will help you get through the ice bath, so it’s good to warm up beforehand.
Disordered breathing patterns are the main culprit for health conditions like anxiety, so conscious breathing is important to practice, anyway. But it’s especially helpful for settling down the mind and body before a cold immersion.
Alternatively, you can do deep and rapid breathing to prepare for your ice bath. This will trigger your sympathetic nervous system and trip up adrenaline, which will make you feel fierce and strong. It doesn’t matter which Wim Hof ice bath breathing you do, as long as you set a clear intention behind it.
One of the pillars of the Wim Hof Method is commitment. This means that we ought to commit to the practice we’re doing, which includes being patient and focusing on what we wish to accomplish. Conscious breathing allows the mind to settle and the body to relax, which makes it easier to set a clear intention.
- Unsure about how to do the Wim Hof breathing? Read next: Best Breathwork Techniques in 2025
Step 2: Set a clear intention for your ice bath practice
Ice baths aren’t easy. It takes an enormous amount of courage, strength, and willpower to overcome the impulse to get out. To give your mind and body some much-needed reinforcement, it’s important to set a clear intention about why you’re doing this. Are you taking an ice bath to relieve stress or improve muscle recovery? Or are you trying to overcome a chronic health condition? Whatever your motivation is, be sure to get crystal clear on it before jumping in.
At the end of the day, willpower is our greatest tool to overcome any challenge in front of us. The human body is adapted to heaters and air conditioners, so we’re always somewhat comfortable in our environment. By setting a clear intention before taking the cold plunge, you will muster up all your willpower to resist the urge to back out.

Step 3: Fill the cold tub or barrel with cold water and ice cubes
If you are using a bathtub or DIY ice barrel, I recommend filling up the container with cold water before the two steps above. Then, at this stage, you can put in ice cubes and jump in!
If you own a dedicated cold plunge such as The Edge Tub or Renu Tub, then you should also turn on the coldest setting beforehand to make sure it’s cold enough at this time.
How cold should the ice bath be, you ask? While everyone has a different opinion, the consensus is to start out between 50-60°F (10-16°C). Depending on your goals and physical abilities, you may want to start out lower or higher. I began taking ice baths during a Boston winter when the tap water was 40°F (4°C). As your body gets more acclimated with the cold, you can gradually work down towards freezing (32°F / 0°C).

Step 4: Take a deep breath and slowly enter the tub
The tub is icy and ready to hop in. But before doing so, take a deep breath, restate your intention (out loud or to yourself), and gradually enter the cold tub.
At this stage, it’s important not to force anything. It’s always better to start out low and slow. With practice, you’ll eventually be able to enter the ice bath quicker (and easier).

Step 5: Feel the power of the cold and then focus on your breath
The cold is intense and merciless. It’s important to respect the cold and let it guide you on your journey. However, if you focus the whole time on how cold you feel, you won’t make it very long.
Instead, bring your full attention to your breath. When I take Wim Hof ice baths, I make the breathing into a game. The goal for me is to elongate my exhale as much as possible. Here’s how I do it:
After taking a full inhale for a few seconds, I’ll exhale through pursed lips to make it as long as possible (usually up to 20-30 seconds). By elongating the exhale, it gives your busy brain something to focus on and it relaxes your body by stimulating the vagus nerve and parasympathetic nervous system. If you focus intently on the depth of your inhales and slowness of your exhales, your time in the ice bath will fly by. Follow me on Instagram: @Global.Viewpoint to see how I do it!
Make the ice bath into something fun and enjoyable. Treat the experience as an ice bath meditation rather than something to fear or dread. Cold immersion can be a very grounding experience, so enjoy it!

Step 6: Feel your body with love and curiosity
The cold is a greater teacher. As you’re taking an ice bath, you will notice which parts of your body are tense or ache. You may also discover old injury sites and any other places where there are energy blockages in your body. For me, I’ve noticed blockages in my chest and shoulders, which make it challenging to get in a full inhale. My heart chakra has been a bit blocked, so I’ve set intentions during my cold immersions to clear it and allow energy to fully flow there.
At this stage, don’t beat yourself up for having body aches, tight muscles, or body contractions. People with anxiety, for example, often complain about their shallow breathing in the cold tub. This is totally normal and okay; don’t judge it, just become aware of it. Over time, your body will heal these areas, so it’s important to be patient and let love and curiosity be your guide.

Step 7: Listen to your body and get out when you feel ready
Cold immersion is not a contest. All our bodies are built differently, so don’t compare your ability to withstand cold temperatures to others.
The general rule of thumb with ice baths is to stay in for 2-3 minutes to get the full benefits. However, it’s always better to listen to your body and get out when you feel ready.
For many of us doing Wim Hof ice baths, the goal is to relax deeper and deeper in the tub until we get to a place of zen. By focusing on our breathing, we’re able to settle down the mind and body and actually enjoy the experience.
Having said this, you shouldn’t stay in the ice bath to the point where you’re shivering uncontrollably. It’s better to get out while you still feel some peace and relaxation, than to push your limits too far. Listen to your body and your intuition, and you’ll know what’s right for you.

Step 8: Settle into a horse stance and practice gentle movements & breathing
After the ice bath is over, it’s a good idea to warm up gradually. You might feel warm after getting out, but only briefly. Once the warm blood from your core mixes with the cold blood in your extremities, you will likely shiver. This sensation is called after drop, and it can be avoided if you take steps to warm up the body gradually.
After taking an ice bath, I prefer to do the following to warm up. Firstly, I’ll bend my knees and get into a horse stance. From there, I’ll take slow and deep breaths as I gently move my hands, arms, shoulders, legs, and feet. Depending on the length of the ice bath, I’ll settle in this position for 5-10 minutes and do my conscious breathing to warm up naturally. This is a safer option than doing exercise or more powerful movements immediately after. However, like anything else, it all comes down to personal preference.

Step 9: If you feel uncomfortably cold after doing the ice bath, consider other ways to warm up
As mentioned above, it’s always best to warm up naturally after an ice bath. Slow, gentle movements and conscious breathing are preferred. However, if you still feel unbearably cold after trying these methods, feel free to try other ways to warm up your body. Perhaps consider a warm shower or bath, or even a warm beverage like hot chocolate or tea. In the long term, it’s better to not rely on external mechanisms to warm up, but it doesn’t hurt to do this occasionally.
One of the main benefits of ice baths is activating brown fat. Not only will this help you warm up, but it also allows you to enhance your circulatory system and lose weight. By relying on a shower, a sauna, or a hot drink to warm up, you are not letting the body do this. Totally fine either way, but slow and natural is always the better option.
Step 10: Optional Wim Hof ice bath challenge…sing, chant, or pound your chest
You did it! You completed your Wim Hof ice water practice. Nicely done!
To celebrate all the amazing health benefits you’ve done for your mind and body, sing a celebratory song or do something more primal. Chanting and chest pounding are not uncommon in the Wim Hof cold therapy community.

Beginner Tips for Safe Ice Baths: Starting Slow and Steady
Starting with ice baths can feel intimidating, but beginning gradually helps your body acclimate to the cold and reduces any initial discomfort. Here’s a step-by-step approach to ease into cold immersion, perfect for first-timers.
- Start with Cold Showers
Begin by turning the shower to a cooler temperature at the end of your daily routine. Start with just 30 seconds of cool water, focusing on steady, controlled breathing. Gradually increase the time and lower the temperature each day until you can comfortably stand under cold water for 2–3 minutes. - Set Your Mindset
Cold immersion is as much a mental practice as it is physical. Set a clear intention each time you practice—whether it’s to reduce stress, boost energy, or simply build resilience. Focusing on why you’re doing it can make the cold feel more manageable. - Work Up to Brief Ice Bath Sessions
Once you’re comfortable with cold showers, try short ice bath sessions. Fill your tub with cold water and add ice, aiming for a temperature between 50–60°F (10–15°C). Start with 30 seconds to 1 minute, focusing on deep, controlled breathing. Over time, increase to 2–3 minutes, always listening to your body. - Warm Up Gradually After Each Session
After an ice bath, warm up naturally with gentle movements or slow breathing. Avoid hot showers or saunas immediately afterward to let your body’s internal heating process work, which helps strengthen your natural resilience. - Consistency Over Intensity
Building a regular practice is more effective than pushing yourself too hard. Aim for consistency—try a cold shower every morning, or an ice bath once a week—and focus on building comfort with the cold gradually.
With these beginner-friendly steps, you’ll safely build tolerance and discover the benefits of cold immersion without overwhelming your body. Taking it slow makes the experience rewarding and prepares you for longer, more intense sessions down the road.
Other tips for doing a Wim Hof ice bath
Here are some other tips about doing ice baths the Wim Hof way:
Always follow your intuition
When you’re taking ice baths the Wim Hof way, it’s always a good idea to be safe and listen to your body. While pushing yourself a little bit is encouraged, you should never push your body to a point where you get frostbite or have chills lasting more than a couple hours. When starting out, begin with just 30 seconds or 1 minute. Also, remember to walk into the tub gradually rather than diving in. Better safe than sorry!
Get a dedicated ice bath for your home so you can practice daily
In the Wim Hof ice bath community, so many people hit the ground running, only to end up quitting a week or two later. The biggest reason why? They don’t make ice baths convenient or easy enough to practice consistently. Unless you can find a way to seamlessly include ice baths in your daily routine, you will eventually stop doing it. After all – ice baths aren’t particularly fun, so it’s easy to make up excuses and talk yourself out of doing it.
Think about it: who is going to do ice baths more often: someone who has a cold plunge in their home OR someone who has to drive 20 minutes to the nearest gym to use one?
In addition, if you have to run to the store to buy ice every day and spend 15 minutes filling up your bathtub, your ice bath routine will likely not be sustainable. It’s no offense to you – that’s just the way human nature works. If the process isn’t fun, easy, or convenient – it isn’t sustainable in the long term.
My go-to Wim Hof Ice Bath
If you’re serious about your physical (and mental) performance and want to make Wim Hof ice baths a priority, I HIGHLY recommend getting a dedicated cold plunge for your home. I’ve been using the Edge Tub by Edge Theory Labs, an inflatable tub that can go as cold as 37°F (2.8°C) and as warm as 105°F (40.6°C) in just a couple of hours. It’s durable, easy to use, and it waits for me in the living room every morning. I’d have to go out of my way not to use it, which means I end up jumping in it every day. Using the Edge tub as part of my daily routine has totally transformed my life, so I couldn’t recommend it anymore.
- Want to learn more about the Edge Tub? Here’s my exclusive discount code that will save you $150: JON150!
If the Edge Tub is out of your price range, here are some budget-friendly alternatives: (1) Ice Barrel & (2) Polar Monkeys.

Where to put your hands during an ice bath
Do you get cold hands during the winter? If so, you’ll likely face a similarly uncomfortable sensation when your hands are submerged in an ice bath. It’s normal for your hands to hurt and get numb during cold immersion. Eventually, with practice, this discomfort will go away as your circulation improves.
I personally know people who had Raynaud’s Disease who were able to cure it through ice baths and cold showers. In the meantime, consider putting your hands together or on top of your legs during the ice bath. This will help you keep your hands warmer.

How to breathe during an ice bath
One other important ice bath technique to keep in mind: breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. By breathing through your nose, you engage the diaphragm, which is one of the biggest respiratory muscles. As such, you can get a deeper inhalation, which is helpful for moving energy around.
On the exhale, breathing out through the mouth is preferred, as to stimulate the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system. The cold is quite a stressor on the body, so it’s a good idea to relax into it rather than fight it. This will help you build your stress tolerance and adapt to uncomfortable situations in life.
Want an added challenge during your Wim Hof ice bath? Do a head dunk!
The most sensitive part of your body is the head. While I don’t advise putting your head underwater in an ice bath for a prolonged period of time, doing it for just a few seconds is perfectly fine. I prefer to do my head dunks at the very end of my ice bath, but whatever floats your boat.

A note on taking ice baths like Wim Hof
This Wim Hof ice bath tutorial is my own practice based on my best understanding of the Wim Hof Method. So, not every step here is going to be 1-1 what Wim teaches. I did learn these techniques on a Wim Hof retreat in Iceland, as well as Wim Hof’s fundamentals course. So, it truly does work!
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Wim Hof ice bath
Here are some popular questions and answers about Wim Hof ice baths in 2025.
What temperature is a Wim Hof ice bath?
Wim Hof is a huge advocate for personal accountability and self-discovery, so he doesn’t have a steadfast rule for how cold an ice bath should be. He will always say “listen to your body” and to “gradually expose yourself to lower ice bath temperatures.”
However, on his Wim Hof expeditions, the water temperature tends to be between around 0°-6°C (32°-43°F). Throughout the year, Wim Hof leads ice bath retreats in places like Poland, Iceland, and the Pyrenees (in Spain), where participants can practice the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method.
Should you do Wim Hof breathing before or after ice bath?
In Wim Hof’s many podcast appearances and YouTube videos, he advocates for doing the Wim Hof breathing before going into an ice bath. He suggests doing 3+ rounds of 30 circular breaths before ice bathing, which increases willpower, decreases stress, and boosts mental focus.
How long did Wim Hof sit in an ice bath?
Wim Hof’s ice bath record was set in 2007, when he submerged himself in a container of ice for 1 hour and 52 minutes. Since then, his record has been beaten several times. In 2025, there are multiple people who have had a longer time in direct, full-body contact with ice.
Is it OK to shiver in ice bath?
According to Wim Hof’s Fundamentals Course, it is perfectly normal to shiver while you’re in an ice bath. It’s also common to shiver after taking an ice bath, as the body experiences “after drop.” Shivering is used as a mechanism to warm up the body, but it isn’t the only way to warm up. Wim suggests that by gaining mastery over your breath, you can limit and forgo the shivering altogether, but it takes practice in order to do this.
As a rule of thumb, once you begin shivering in a Wim Hof ice bath, it’s time to come out of the water.
Last thoughts on ice bath Wim Hof
Hope you enjoyed learning about ice baths! Wim Hof’s approach to cold immersion and breathwork is incredibly powerful and effective, so it’s important to share this with everyone. Have you ever tried taking an Ice Bath the Wim Hof way? Let me know how it went in the comments below. Stay frosty! -Jon
Looking to get your own ice bath tub? Read my reviews on the best cold plunges in 2025!